We have our own Social Prescriber here at Acle Surgery; Theresa. Social Prescribing is the link between the practice and organisations that can support patients. Example of social prescribing can include:
- Abuse / Exploitation
- Benefit advice & application
- Blue badge applications
- Carers support
- Dementia/Memory loss
- Employment/learning opportunities
- Debt/budget advice
- Health
- Home Adaption/assistive Technology
- Housing
- Local opportunities for leisure interests
- Low level legal advice
- Long term conditions management/support
- Social isolation
- Substance issue
- Support on parenting /childcare
- Transport
- Wellbeing
Benefits to patients:
- People with Long Term Conditions and their carers benefit from access to additional, non-clinical support options via primary care.
- Patients offered practical support, advice and guidance to get back on track when they are experiencing difficulties.
- Patients experience positive outcomes associated with their health and wellbeing.
- Patients can become less socially isolated and more independent.
- Able to refer patients to appropriate VCS (voluntary, community and social enterprise) services.