NEW RSV Vaccination available from the 1st September 2024
There is a NEW RSV Vaccination available from the 1st September 2024:
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common cause of coughs and colds. It usually gets better by itself, but it can be serious for some babies and older adult
Who eligible?
- All women who are at least 28 weeks pregnant (the eligible cohort) on 1 September 2024, will be offered a single dose of the RSV vaccine. After that, pregnant women will become eligible as they reach 28 weeks gestation and remain eligible up to birth (generally this will be given by the Community School Aged Immunisation Service (CSAIS)or midwives but can be given at Acle).
- All adults turning 75 years old on or after 1 September 2024 will be eligible for the routine programme and should be offered a single dose of the RSV vaccine on or after their 75th birthday. A one-off catch-up campaign for those already aged 75 to 79 years (this is given at Acle surgery).
Please scan the QR code for more information about RSV .
If you are eligible and would like your RSV vaccination please contact us to arrange an appointment with the Nurse. At this appointment the nurse will check your eligibility, as this vaccination ideally should not be co-administered with other vaccines.